‘Poppy’ painting
Materials that you will need:
Acrylic paint colours: white, yellow, red, blue.
In this class I use: titanium white, primary red, primary blue, ultramarine blue and cadmium yellow. Other variations of these colours will work.
Please avoid using very cheap acrylic paint. It will be watery and dull in effect.
Suggested brands: Sennelier, Daler Rowney System 3, Winsor & Newton, Golden.
A medium (approx. size 8) & a small (approx. size 1) paint brush. More brushes of varying sizes is helpful and need to be in proportion to your surface i.e. canvas, paper, board.
Something to paint on either: acrylic or watercolour paper (I suggest that you use A4 paper if this is your first class or you wish to create the image within the 2 ½ hour class time). If you’re more experienced and have more time you can use: a canvassed panel, a primed piece of wood, a supported canvas, or cradled wooden panel. In the video of this lesson I use a primed canvas 40 cm x 30 cm.
In this lesson I use a 'carbon paper technique', which will be useful if you are not confident at drawing. For this you will need:
carbon paper & biro
Blue tac
A black and white print of your reference image the size you want it on your painting.
Or if you are confident at drawing, you can draw the image on with pencil or paint.
I also work from a colour print of the reference photograph. A good print will help, perhaps use photo paper. Alternatively, you could view the reference on a second screen from the video you are following.
Blue towel or kitchen roll.
A jar, or pot/s for water.
A palette, you can use an old plate or greaseproof paper.
A hair dryer (to work at a faster pace).
Acrylic paint is like glue, once dry it cannot be removed.
If you are in the UK these are the suppliers which I use:
Ken Bromley Art Supplies: https://www.artsupplies.co.uk/
Hobbycraft: https://www.hobbycraft.co.uk/art-supplies
Jacksons: https://www.jacksonsart.com/